Accounting & Bookkeeping
At ₹ 23,988 all inclusive
We you are operating a Business, you need to know if your efforts are being paid back. Keeping your accounts upto date help you plan your finances better thereby avoiding a cash crunch later. This helps in maintaining a good working capital cycle as at any point of time you can check the outstanding balances from customers/clients and vendors.
Businesses need to maintain their accounts properly as per the Income Tax Laws in India as well. Keeping proper accounts also help you clear your tax obligations timely.
Regular Updates
We send regular updates of your accounts to you. Alternatively you can check you accounts by yourself by accessing our servers.
Intimation for Compliance
We will send you intimation about your compliance like depositing of taxes, filing of returns etc.
For Accounting & Bookkeeping
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For Accounting & Bookkeeping
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For Accounting & Bookkeeping