Add Director of Company
At ₹ 4,499 all inclusive
A Company can add a new director with the consent of Shareholders. The new director needs to satisfy certain conditions of the Companies Act, 2013 before becoming the director. To add a new director the Digital Signatures and Director Identification Number of the new director are required.
Once the Digital Signatures and Director Identification number are obtained the form for adding a director can be filed.
Details for Directors
1. Scanned Copy of PAN Card or Passport
2. Scanned Copy of Voter's ID / Passport / Driving License (Identity Proof)
3. Scanned copy of Latest Bank Statement / Telephone or Mobile Bill / Electricity Bill (Address Proof)
4. Scanned passport-sized photograph
5. Specimen signature (blank crossed document with signature [for directors only])
6. Director's Identification Number (If available)
*Documents required may change from time to time. This is an illustrative list
Add Director of Company
Director Identification Number & Digital Signatures
Filing of prescribed Form to RoC with required Documents
Receipt of Confirmation from Registrar of Companies
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Add Director of Company
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Add Director of Company