MSME Registration
At ₹ 2,499 all inclusive
MSME Registration is for Micro, Small & Medium Sized Entities. This registration allows Micro, Small & Medium sized entities to avail certain benefits related to payment terms, subsidies, soft loans etc.
Micro Sized entities are those entities that have investment of less than Rs. 25 Lakhs or Rs. 10 Lakhs in Plant and Machinery in Manufacturing and Service Sector respectively.
Small sized entities will have investments in Plant & Machinery between Rs. 25 lakhs to Rs. 5 crores and Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 2 crores in Manufacturing and Service sector respectively.
Medium sized entities have investment between Rs. 5 crores to Rs. 10 crores and Rs. 2 crores and Rs. 5 crores for manufacturing and Service sectors respectively.
Details for Partnership / LLP / Company
1. Scanned Copy of PAN Card of entity
2. Scanned Copy of Partnership Deed / Memorandum & Articles of Association
3. Scanned Copy of PAN Card of all Partners / Directors
4. Scanned passport-sized photograph of all Partners / Directors
5. Scanned Copy of Voter's ID / Passport / Driving License of all Partners / Directors (Identity Proof)
6. Scanned Copy of Latest Bank Statement / Telephone or Mobile Bill / Electricity Bill (Address Proof)
7. Rent Agreement if the office property is on rent
*Documents required may change from time to time. This is an illustrative list
Apply for MSME Registration
Submission of Application based upon the details
Inspection of Documents by MSME Department
Receipt of Registration Certificate
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