How to Register Trademark for Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Matting Under Class 27?

How to Register Trademark for Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Matting etc Classes Under Class 27?

This class is for obtaining trademark for items of Carpets, rugs, mats and matting etc. If you are in the business of these items then this is the class where you should register trademark for Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Matting etc classes in this class, provided the item you are dealing with is not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article.

The class includes



mats and matting,

linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors;

wall hangings (non-textile).

If the product you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such products are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain items which this class specifically includes and certain items which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 27

Class 27 includes mainly products intended to be added as furnishings to previously constructed floors and walls.

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 27

There are only a few exclusions as below:

wooden flooring (Cl. 19).

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:

artificial turf

automobile carpets

bath mats

carpet underlay

carpets for automobiles


floor coverings

door mats

floor coverings

gymnasium mats

gymnastic mats

wall hangings, not of textile



mats of woven rope for ski slopes

non-slip mats

reed mats


mats of woven rope for ski slopes

tapestry [wall hangings], not of textile

textile wallpaper

artificial turf

vinyl floor coverings

wall hangings, not of textile


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