Scared of brand name getting COPIED?
Get it before someone else does, Trademark Registration in Delhi, India For ₹ 6,799 all inclusive!!

Check out this video to know more on Trademark Registration India
Details about Trademark
1. Authorization Letter
2. Trademark Information Sheet
Details for Company
1. Board Resolution if applied in Company's name
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Trademark Class Confirmation
Trademark Search Performed
Authority Letter drafting
Application of Trademark
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- Register Trademark in India-Overview
- Register Trademark in India-Advantages
- How to get trademark in India-Procedure
- Trademark Registration India-FAQs
A trademark refers to a unique name or brand or logo of a particular business which identifies its product or service. Trademark is responsible for the quality of a product or service and also helps in advertisement of the business.
Registering a trademark is beneficial because it guarantees the identity of the product and can stop others from using your trademark. It is considered as very important asset of any business and also contributes to create goodwill. Hence, registering trademark under trademark registration India serves as a loyalty and affiliation to customers. Trademark registration cost in India is different for each type of trademark.
Trademark registration in India can be of following types of trademarks-
- Name, including personal or surname of the applicant or the signature of the applicant or the predecessor of the business
- Alphanumeric or letters or numerals or any other combination
- Image, symbols, monograms, three- dimensional shapes etc.
- Coined word or invented word
With the help of trademark registration services India you can get your trademark registered.
Trademark registration cost in India can be divided between government and professional fees.
Trademark registration cost in India charged by government in case of individual/ start-up/ small enterprise will be Rs. 4500 and Rs. 9000 in all other cases. Trademark attorney professional fees would be Rs. 3500 per application per class.
Trademark registration cost in India also includes cost of any objection from the trademark registry or the cost of hearing to overcome the objection.
Advantages of Getting a Trademark Registered
- Exclusive rights over the mark
- Can initial civil proceedings on the basis of common-law use
- Can initiate criminal proceedings against third-parties infringing these rights
- Acts as Identity of the owner or property holder
- Protects Goodwill of the Business
- Power to assign / transfer / license to others
- Discourages others to use the same/ similar tradename
- Gives our products / Services a status of branded goods thus enabling easy marketing and promotion
PROCEDURE for trademark registration in Delhi
A unique and distinctive trademark is selected which represents your company. Also, class of trademark is to be identified under which your trademark is to be registered. There are total of 45 classes of goods and services under which the trademark can be registered.
1. TradeMark Search
It should be checked with the help of trademark registration services India that whether your trademark is similar to other trademark or not. If your proposed trademark does not match any other registered trademark further application for getting trademark registered shall be made. Trademark search is conducted by trademark agent or attorney with trademark office and this search can be done through online as well as offline mode.
2. Trademark application (Trademark registration) in Delhi
Once it is confirmed that your trademark is unique, an application for registering a trademark would be drafted with the help of trademark registration services India. You can start using TM symbol as soon as the form for trademark registration is filed.
Trademark registration services India suggests following documents required to be filed with the application-
- Copy of trademark or logo
- Details of the applicant like name, address, nationality and in case of company, the state of incorporation
- Goods or services which are to be registered under trademark
- If the trademark is used prior to applying for registration, date of first use of trademark in India
- Power of attorney signed by applicant
3. Forms for Trademark Application
The application must be in the prescribed format. The simplest application can be filed in Form TM-1. In case the goods or services fall within different classes, a single application can be made, but it must be as specified in Form TM-51.
4. Registrar Scrutiny - Trademark Registration in Delhi
Once the application for registering trademark is made to the trademark office, it will check whether the proposed trademark is already taken or not. Objection will be raised by the office if it is already taken and if not, advertisement in the trademark journal will be made for your proposed trademark.
5. Trademark registration Certificate - Trademark registration India
In the next 4 months, if any business does not oppose the trademark then your trademark get registered and trademark registration certificate is allotted. Once the trademark is registered, it is valid for 10 years from the date of filing and can be renewed after that.
Register a Trademark in India – FAQs
1. What is a Trademark?
A trade mark (popularly known as brand name) is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by an entity on its goods or its services etc. to distinguish it from other similar goods or services.
2. How to Select a Trademark?
The trademark can/shall be:
- a word it should be easy to speak, spell and remember
- coined or invented words
- it is recommended not to use words like best, super, perfect etc.
3. Can any correction be made in the application or register?
4. Can a registered trade mark be removed from the register?
5. Should I courier the documents required or scanned copies?
You can send scanned copies of all the documents, sometimes we require the documents in hard copies which will need to be couriered.
6. What documents we need to submit?
You need to provide just information and Power of Attorney for your trademark.
7. How long the whole procedure will take?
The Registration of a trademark takes around 10 months to a few years.
8. When can we start using the logo / mark?
You can start using you logo / mark after filing of application. The words "TM" can be mentioned with the logo / mark. Once your logo / mark is registered "R" sign be used.
9. Once we got the Logo / mark, will there be any renewal period ?
A trademark once granted remains valid for 10 years. After this period you can file for renewal.
10. Do you provide the services of Trademark Registration in Delhi ? What is the trademark registration cost?
Yes, we provide the services of Trademark Registration in Delhi. We provide Trademark Registration Services all across India. The trademark registration cost is same as for all the cities in India as mentioned above.
Updated Trademark Registration Cost in India is ₹ 6,799 as per the new Rules
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