How to Register Trademark for Legal and Security Services Under Class 45?

How to Register Trademark for  Legal and Security Services Under Class 45?

Registration of trademarks in TradeMarks Act, 1999 is done based on classes. The Act has made distinct bifurcations based on services and products. Register Trademark for  Legal and Security Services Under Class 45 , this is the last class that pertains to legal and security services. To register a trademark a proprietor needs to file an application with Trademarks Office wherein he needs to quote the particular class under which his trademark falls.

A trademark takes a lot of time to register, sometimes even more than 2 years. Trademarks under the Act are only registered for a period of 10 years and after which they must be renewed. Every renewal happens for a maximum period of 10 years and a proprietor and do as many renewals as he wishes to.

Class 45

Trademarks for legal services rendered by a person, firm or a group of people are registered under Class 45. It also includes social services that are rendered by people to meet the basic needs of other individuals. The class also covers investigation and surveillance rendered for safety of personnel and organizations. For instance, lawyers who only do legal search for banks are covered by this class. However, financial services, insurance and other monetary affairs are excluded from the class, as they are already covered under Class 36. Even services directly related to corporate undertaking are not included. 

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Along with legal services the class also includes social services and security services. Security companies, private investigators, and people providing surveillance services are a part of the Class, like Hawk Security, Eagle security services etc. Other than that social services also form part of the Class like social escort services, funeral services, matrimonial agencies etc. In this class, however, companies providing security to transport are not included. Even performance of singers and other artists is not covered here. Performances rendered by artists, actors or dancers are not included. Similarly, entities providing medical services are excluded from the list. Even certain rental services that are already covered in other classes do not form part of this class.

Some of the prominent examples are, bharat matrimony, etc.

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