How to Register Trademark for Precious Metals, Jewellery etc Under Class 14 ?

How to Register Trademark for Precious Metals, Jewellery etc Under Class 14 ?

This class is for obtaining trademark for items of Apparatus for Precious Metals Jewellery etc. If you are in the business of these items then this is the class where you should register trademark for Precious Metals, Jewellery etc  in, provided the item you are dealing with is not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article.

On exhaustive analysis, the items which can be registered in this class are

Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes;

jewellery, precious stones;

horological and

chronometric instruments

If the product you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such products are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain items which this class specifically includes and certain items which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 14

To avoid confusion, these items are specifically included in this class

– jewellery (i.e., imitation jewellery and jewellery of precious metal and stones);

– cuff links, tie pins.

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 14

The class does not specifically exclude many items as it is a self-explanatory definition that it provides. There are only a few exclusions as below:

– goods in precious metals classified according to their function or purpose, for example, metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists (Cl. 2), amalgam of gold for dentists (Cl. 5), cutlery (Cl. 8), electric contacts (Cl. 9), pen nibs of gold (Cl. 16), teapots (Cl. 21), gold and silver embroidery (Cl. 26), cigar boxes (Cl. 34);

– objects of art not of precious metals (classified according to the material of which they consist).

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:


alarm clocks

alloys of precious metal

amulets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

anchors [clock- and watchmaking]

atomic clocks

badges of precious metal

baju band (armlets)

bali (also balli; ear rings)

barrels [clock- and watchmaking]

beads for making jewelry

boxes of precious metal

bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

brooches [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

busts of precious metal

cases for clock- and watchmaking

cases for watches [presentation]

chains [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

watch chains

charms [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

chronographs [watches]


chronometrical instruments


tie clips

clock hands [clock- and watchmaking]

clock cases


clocks and watches, electric


cloisonné jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]


control clocks [master clocks]

copper tokens

cuff links

dials [clock- and watchmaking]



figurines [statuettes] of precious metal

gold, unwrought or beaten

gold thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

clock hands [clock- and watchmaking]

hat ornaments of precious metal

ingots of precious metals


ivory [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

jet, unwrought or semi-wrought

ornaments of jet

jewellery of yellow amber

paste jewellery


jewellery cases [caskets]

jewelry of yellow amber

paste jewelry [costume jewelry]


jewelry cases [caskets]

kamar-bandh (waist-band)

key rings [trinkets or fobs]

cuff links

lockets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

mangal sutra (jewelery made of precious metal)

master clocks


movements for clocks and watches

nath (nose ring)

necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

olivine [gems]

ornamental pins

ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

hat ornaments of precious metal

ornaments of jet

shoe ornaments of precious metal



paste jewellery [costume jewelry (Am.)]

payal (anklets)

pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]

pearls [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

pendulums [clock- and watchmaking]

ornamental pins

tie pins

pins [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

platinum [metal]

precious stones

precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought


rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]


semi-precious stones

shoe ornaments of precious metal

silver thread

silver, unwrought or beaten

spinel [precious stones]

watch springs

spun silver [silver wire]

statues of precious metal

statuettes of precious metal


straps for wristwatches


threads of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

tie pins

tie clips

copper tokens

trinkets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

watch bands

watch straps

watch chains

watch cases

watch springs

watch glasses

watch crystals


wire of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]

works of art of precious metal


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