How to Register Trademark for Rubber, Gutta-Percha, Gum, Asbestos etc Under Class 17 ?

How to Register Trademark for Rubber, Gutta-Percha, Gum, Asbestos etc Under Class 17?

This class is for obtaining trademark for items of Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos etc. If you are in the business of these items then this is the class where you should register your trademark in, provided the item you are dealing with is not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article and read here to Register Trademark for Rubber, gutta-percha, Gum, Asbestos etc.

On exhaustive analysis, the items which can be registered in this class are

Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not

included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing,

stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal

If the product you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such products are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain items which this class specifically includes and certain items which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 17

Electrical, thermal and acoustic insulating materials and plastics, being for use in manufacture in the form of sheets, blocks and rods.

– rubber material for recapping tyres;

– padding and stuffing materials of rubber or plastics;

– floating anti-pollution barriers.

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 17

No specific exclusion in this class.

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:

cellulose acetate, semi-processed

acrylic resins [semi-finished products]

adhesive bands, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes

adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes

anti-dazzle films for windows [tinted films]

floating anti-pollution barriers

artificial resins [semi-finished products]

asbestos packing

asbestos safety curtains

asbestos fibers [fibres]

asbestos cloth

asbestos fabrics

asbestos millboards

asbestos slate

asbestos sheets

asbestos paper

asbestos felt


asbestos coverings

bags [envelopes, pouches] of rubber, for packaging


adhesive bands, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes

bands of rubber for unscrewing jar lids

bark coverings for sound insulation

floating anti-pollution barriers

boiler composition to prevent the radiation of heat

brake lining materials, partly processed

shock-absorbing buffers of rubber

insulators for cables

canvas hose pipes

paper for electrical capacitors

carbon fibers [fibres], other than for textile use

caulking materials

cellulose acetate, semi-processed

foil of regenerated cellulose, other than for wrapping

clack valves of rubber

asbestos cloth

clutch linings

compressed air pipe fittings, not of metal

connecting hose for vehicle radiators

cords of rubber

cotton wool for packing [caulking]

safety curtains of asbestos

cylinder jointings

dielectrics [insulators]

draught excluder strips

ebonite [vulcanite]

ebonite [vulcanite] molds [moulds]

elastic yarns, not for use in textiles

elastic threads, not for use in textiles

insulators for electric mains

expansion joint fillers

insulating fabrics

fiberglass [fibreglass] fabrics, for insulation

asbestos fabrics

insulating felt

asbestos felt

vulcanized fiber

fiberglass for insulation

fiberglass fabrics for insulation

glass fibers, for insulation

asbestos fibers

plastic fibers, not for use in textiles

vulcanized fibre

fibreglass for insulation

fibreglass fabrics for insulation

glass fibres, for insulation

asbestos fibres

plastic fibres, not for use in textiles

expansion joint fillers

plastic film, not for wrapping

anti-dazzle films for windows [tinted films]

filtering materials [semi-processed foams or films of plastic]

compressed air pipe fittings, not of metal

flexible tubes, not of metal

foam supports for flower arrangements [semi-finished products]

foam supports for flower arrangements [semi-finished products]

foil of regenerated cellulose, other than for wrapping

foils of metal for insulating


glass wool for insulation

insulating gloves

gum, raw or partly processed


non-conducting materials for retaining heat

compositions to prevent the radiation of heat

watering hose

hoses of textile material

insulating fabrics

insulating materials

insulating felt

insulating gloves

insulating oils

insulating paints

insulating plaster

insulating paper

insulating varnish

substances for insulating buildings against moisture

insulating tape and band

insulating refractory materials

metal foil for insulation

insulators for electric mains


pipe jackets, not of metal

bands of rubber for unscrewing jar lids

joint packings

fillers for expansion joints

junctions, not of metal, for pipes

latex [rubber]

chemical compositions for repairing leaks

brake lining materials, partly processed

clutch linings

liquid rubber


mica, raw or partly processed

asbestos millboards

mineral wool [insulator]

substances for insulating buildings against moisture

ebonite molds

ebonite moulds

pipe muffs, not of metal

non-conducting materials for retaining heat

insulating oils

asbestos packing

packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials of rubber or plastics

padding materials of rubber or plastics

insulating paints

paper for electrical capacitors

insulating paper

asbestos paper

pipe gaskets

pipe muffs, not of metal

pipe jackets, not of metal

joint packings for pipes

junctions for pipes, not of metal

reinforcing materials, not of metal, for pipes

insulating plaster

plastic film other than for wrapping

plastic substances, semi-processed

plastic fibers [fibres], not for textile use

plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes

compositions to prevent the radiation of heat

insulators for railway tracks

insulating refractory materials

reinforcing materials, not of metal, for pipes

synthetic resins [semi-finished products]

artificial resins [semi-finished products]

water-tight rings

stuffing rings

rings of rubber

rubber stoppers

rubber, raw or semi-worked

synthetic rubber

liquid rubber

rubber solutions

rubber material for recapping tires [tyres]

rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines

asbestos safety curtains

sealant compounds for joints


self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes

asbestos sheets

sheets of regenerated cellulose, other than for wrapping

shock-absorbing buffers of rubber

slag wool [insulator]

slate asbestos

sleeves of rubber for protecting parts of machines

soldering threads of plastic

soundproofing materials

rubber stoppers

stops of rubber

stuffing of rubber or plastic

synthetic rubber

synthetic resins [semi-finished products]

insulating tape

adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes

threads of plastic materials, not for textile use

threads of rubber, not for use in textiles

threads of plastic for soldering

insulating oil for transformers

flexible tubes, not of metal

rubber material for recapping tyres

connecting hose for vehicle radiators

viscose sheets, other than for wrapping

vulcanite [ebonite]

vulcanite [ebonite] molds [moulds]

vulcanized fiber [fibre]

washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber [fibre]

water-tight rings

watering hose

waterproof packings


weatherstripping compositions

anti-dazzle films for windows [tinted films]

mineral wool [insulator]

slag wool [insulator]

glass wool for insulation

elastic yarns, not for use in textiles

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