How to Register Trademark for Services Rendered in Financial, Insurance and Monetary Affairs Under Class 36?

How to Register Trademark for Services Rendered in Financial, Insurance and Monetary Affairs Under Class 36?

This class is for obtaining trademark for services rendered in financial, insurance and monetary affairs. If you are doing such a business then this is the class where you should Register Trademark for Services Rendered in Financial, Insurance and Monetary Affairs provided your services are not not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article.

The class includes  -

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs;

real estate affairs.

If the service you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such service are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain services which this class specifically includes and certain services which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 36

– services relating to financial or monetary affairs comprise the following:

(a) services of all the banking establishments, or institutions connected with them such as exchange brokers or clearing services;

(b) services of credit institutions other than banks such as co-operative credit associations, individual financial companies, lenders, etc.;

(c) services of “investment trusts,” of holding companies; (d) services of brokers dealing in shares and property;

(e) services connected with monetary affairs vouched for by trustees;

(f) services rendered in connection with the issue of travellers’ cheques and letters of credit;

– services of realty administrators of buildings, i.e., services of letting or valuation, or financing;

– services dealing with insurance such as services rendered by agents or brokers engaged in insurance, services rendered to insured, and insurance underwriting services.

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 36

No particular exclusions in this Class

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:

accident insurance underwriting

accommodation bureaux [apartments]

actuarial services

financial analysis

antique appraisal

apartment house management

renting of apartments

real estate appraisal

antique appraisal

art appraisal

jewellery [jewelry (Am.)] appraisal

numismatic appraisal

stamp appraisal

art appraisal



home banking


brokerage of carbon credits

business liquidation services, financial

capital investments

charitable fund raising

check [cheque] verification

clearing, financial

clearing-houses, financial

rent collection

organization of collections

insurance consultancy

financial consultancy

credit bureaux

issuance of credit cards

credit card services

customs brokerage

debit card services

debt collection agencies

debt advisory services

deposits of valuables

real estate agencies

real estate management

financial evaluation of wool

financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]

repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]

financial evaluation of standing timber

exchanging money



financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]

financial information

financial consultancy

financial management

financial sponsorship

financing services

fire insurance underwriting

fiscal assessments

fund investments

charitable fund raising

electronic funds transfer


health insurance underwriting

hire-purchase financing

home banking

housing agents

insurance information

financial information

instalment loans

insurance underwriting

insurance brokerage

insurance information

insurance consultancy

capital investment

issuance of credit cards

issue of tokens of value

issuing of travellers' checks [cheques]

jewellery appraisal

jewelry appraisal

lease-purchase financing

leasing of real estate

leasing of farms

lending against security

life insurance underwriting

loans [financing]

financial management

marine insurance underwriting

exchanging money

mortgage banking

mutual funds

numismatic appraisal

organization of collections


provident fund services

real estate brokers

leasing of real estate

real estate agencies

real estate management

real estate appraisal

rent collection

rental of offices [real estate]

renting of flats

renting of apartments

repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]

retirement payment services

safe deposit services

savings bank services

securities brokerage

financial sponsorship

stamp appraisal

stock exchange quotations

stock brokerage services

stocks and bonds brokerage

surety services

financial evaluation of standing timber

issue of tokens of value

electronic funds transfer

issuing of travellers' checks [cheques]


deposits of valuables

financial valuation of standing timber

fiscal valuations

check [cheque] verification

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