How to Register Trademark for Textiles and Textile Goods not included in Other Classes Under Class 24?

How to Register Trademark for Textiles and Textile Goods not included in Other Classes Under Class 24?

This class is for obtaining trademark for items of Textiles and textile goods not included in other classes. If you are in the business of these items then this is the class where you should Register Trademark for Textiles and Textile Goods not included in Other Classes in this class, provided the item you are dealing with is not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article.

The class includes

Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes;

Bed and table covers.

If the product you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such products are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain items which this class specifically includes and certain items which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 24

Class 24 includes mainly textiles (piece goods) and textile covers for household use.

– bedding linen of paper.

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 24

The class does not specifically exclude many items as it is a self-explanatory definition that it provides. There are only a few exclusions as below:

– certain special textiles (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods);

– electrically heated blankets, for medical purposes (Cl. 10) and not for medical purposes (Cl. 11);

– table linen of paper (Cl. l6);

horse blankets (Cl. 18).

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:

adhesive fabric for application by heat

fabric, impervious to gases, for aeronautical balloons

fabric, impervious to gases, for aeronautical balloons


bath linen, except clothing

bed covers

bed blankets

bed linen

bed clothes

bed covers of paper


billiard cloth

bed blankets

bolting cloth




printed calico cloth


canvas for tapestry or embroidery

cheese cloth

chenille fabric

cheviots [cloth]


coasters [table linen]

cotton fabrics

coverings of plastic for furniture

furniture coverings of textile

coverlets [bedspreads]

covers [loose] for furniture

fitted toilet lid covers of fabric

covers for cushions

crepe [fabric]


curtain holders of textile material

curtains of textile or plastic

covers for cushions


diapered linen


door curtains


eiderdowns [down coverlets]

elastic woven material

traced cloth for embroidery

esparto fabric


fabric for footwear

fabric, impervious to gases, for aeronautical balloons

fabric of imitation animal skins

fabrics for textile use

face towels of textile


fiberglass fabrics, for textile use

fibreglass fabrics for textile use

filtering materials of textile

fitted toilet lid covers of fabric

flags, not of paper

flannel [fabric]

sanitary flannel

fabric for footwear

frieze [cloth]

loose covers for furniture

furniture coverings of plastic

furniture coverings of textile


gauze [cloth]

glass cloths [towels]

gummed cloth, other than for stationery

haircloth [sackcloth]

handkerchiefs of textile

hat linings, of textile, in the piece

hemp fabric

hemp cloth

household linen

jersey [fabric]

jute fabric

knitted fabric

labels of cloth

diapered linen

bed linen

household linen

linen cloth

lingerie fabric

lining fabric for shoes

hat linings, of textile, in the piece

linings [textile]

napkins for removing make-up [cloth]

marabouts [cloth]

textile material

place mats, not of paper

mattress covers

washing mitts

moleskin [fabric]

mosquito nets

table napkins of textile

napkins, of cloth, for removing make-up

net curtains

mosquito nets

non-woven textile fabrics

oilcloth for use as tablecloths

pillow shams


place mats, not of paper

plastic material [substitute for fabrics]

printers' blankets of textile


ramie fabric

rayon fabric

travelling rugs [lap robes]

table runners

sanitary flannel

serviettes of textile

pillow shams

sheets [textile]

shower curtains of textile or plastic


silk fabrics for printing patterns

silk [cloth]

sleeping bags [sheeting]

table napkins of textile

table runners

table linen, not of paper

tablecloths, not of paper

tablemats, not of paper

taffeta [cloth]

tapestry [wall hangings], of textile

tick [linen]

ticks [mattress covers]

tissues of textile for removing make-up

towels of textile

traced cloths for embroidery

travelling rugs [lap robes]

trellis [cloth]


upholstery fabrics


wall hangings of textile

washing mitts

woollen cloth

woollen fabric

zephyr [cloth]

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