How to Register Trademark for Tobacco, Matches and Smokers Articles Under Class 34?

How to Register Trademark for Tobacco, Matches and Smokers Articles Under Class 34 ?

This class is for obtaining trademark for Tobacco, Matches and smokers articles. If you are in the business of these items then this is the class where you should register trademark for Tobacco, Matches and Smokers Articles, provided the item you are dealing with is not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article.

The class includes  -

Tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches.

If the product you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such products are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain items which this class specifically includes and certain items which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 34

This Class includes, in particular:

– tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes).

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 34

This Class does not include, in particular:

– cigarettes without tobacco, for medical purposes (Cl. 5).

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:

absorbent paper for tobacco pipes

ashtrays for smokers

beedi (Conical smoking stick made with leaves and raw tobacco)

books of cigarette papers

cigar cases

cigarette cases

chewing tobacco

cigar cases

gas containers for cigar lighters

cigar holders

cigar cutters

cigarette cases

cigarette tips

cigarette filters

cigarette holders

mouthpieces for cigarette holders

books of cigarette papers

cigarette paper

cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes


pocket machines for rolling cigarettes



cigar cutters

electronic cigarettes

cigarette filters


gas containers for cigar lighters

herbs for smoking*


khaini (raw tobacco)

lighters for smokers

match holders



mouthpieces for cigarette holders

pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes

pipe racks for tobacco pipes

tobacco pipes

tobacco pouches

lighters for smokers

snuff boxes


spittoons for tobacco users

tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

cigarette tips

tobacco pouches

tobacco jars


tobacco pipes

tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

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