How To Register Trademark for Yarns and Threads, for Textile use Under Class 23 ?

How To Register Trademark for Yarns and Threads, for Textile use Under Class 23 ?

This class is for obtaining trademark for items of Yarns and threads, for textile use. If you are in the business of these items then this is the class where you should Register Trademark for Yarns and Threads, for Textile use in this class, provided the item you are dealing with is not excluded from the class which are discussed later in the article.

The class includes

Yarns and threads, for textile use

If the product you are dealing in is covered under the above category then you should obtain your trademark under this class. You need to obtain the trademark for the brand name under which such products are dealt in.

Specific Items of Exclusion and Inclusion under this class

There are certain items which this class specifically includes and certain items which it specifically excludes.

Specifically Included Items in Class 23

No specific inclusion in the class

Specifically Excluded Items in Class 23

No Specific Exclusion from the class

Register Trademark for  6,799 all inclusive

Examples of items that form part of the list of items for you to register trademark:

chenille yarn

coir thread and yarn

cotton thread and yarn

darning thread and yarn

elastic thread and yarn for textile use

embroidery thread and yarn

thread of metal for embroidery

fiberglass thread for textile use

fibreglass thread for textile use

hemp thread and yarn

jute thread and yarn

linen thread and yarn

rayon thread and yarn

rubber thread for textile use

sewing thread and yarn

silk thread and yarn

spun wool

spun thread and yarn

spun cotton

spun silk


thread of metal for embroidery

threads of plastic materials for textile use

spun wool

woollen thread and yarn



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