Remove Director of Company
At ₹ 3,299 all inclusive
A Company can remove a director with the consent of Shareholders. The director can resign or be removed from the position based on certain criteria as per the Companies Act.
It is important that the total directorship should not go below 2 in case of a Private Limited Company after the removal of Director. If it does then the company should first appoint a new director and then remove the old one
Details required from Company & Directors
1. Notice of Resignation (from Company)
2. Signed evidence of cessation (from Company)
3. Notice of Resignation (from Director)
4. Proof of Dispatch (from Director)
*Documents required may change from time to time. This is an illustrative list
Remove Director of Company
Notice for Resignation by the Director
Intimation of Resignation to Company
Documents & Relevant Form filed
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Remove Director of Company
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Remove Director of Company